Jupiter fortuna

Pierre Schmidhäusler
Trombone & Piano
5'50 min.

Für Juliana Studer, als Geschenk zur Firmung

Jupiter fortuna (Trb & Pno)
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Composed for Juliana Studer, as a gift from her family for her confirmation. The name "Juliana" can be derived from the Latin "Iovilius", which means "consecrated to Jupiter". Jupiter was the supreme deity of the Roman religion, so there were many feast days in the Roman calendar on which the state god was commemorated. The planet named after him is considered a lucky planet in astrology. The majestic size of this planet inspired me for the 1st part of the piece. The 2nd part symbolises happiness. In the 3rd part, the festive and dancing stands for the "feast days of Jupiter". This piece was created for a specific person: Juliana. "Jupiter Fortuna" means above all "Juliana's luck".

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